We're Here to Help
Even in the bleakest situations, an effective solution is never out of reach. The attorneys that comprise the 805 Legal Team are well-equipped to handle all aspects of a divorce - child custody, alimony, child support etc. - and your DUI, misdemeanor or felony criminal charges.
Resolving any issue in life takes looking at it from the right perspective. But there are some problems that you can't tackle by yourself. When it comes to serious matters like divorce and criminal charges, you need the help of a skilled attorney to help you figure out which course of action to take. The 805 Legal Team can help you navigate through these obstacles with adequate and skilled representation.
Serving clients in all of central and southern California, the 805 Legal Team has a track record of delivering favorable results for their clients. We look at the issues you're dealing with a fresh and objective perspective to help you identify what's important, give you options tailored to your circumstances, and draft a plan that maximizes your likelihood of achieving your goals. Whether you've gotten DUI charges, are contemplating a divorce, or are facing any other legal adversity within the family law or criminal defense areas of law, we will make sure your needs, interests, and rights are protected inside and outside of the courtroom.